Singing Guide: Placido Domingo

Singing Guide: Placido Domingo

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Plácido Domingo is a Spanish tenor and conductor who is considered one of the most talented and versatile singers of all time. His voice is known for its depth, clarity, and ability to convey intense emotions. In this article, we will learn how to sing like Plácido Domingo, including his vocal techniques and recommended songs.

Vocal Techniques of Plácido Domingo:

  1. Breathing: Plácido Domingo is known for his powerful and sustained notes, and his breath support is a key factor in achieving this. To improve breath support, try exercises like Farinelli Breathing to strengthen your diaphragm and Breath Support exercises to control your inhalation and exhalation.
  2. Vocal Registers: Plácido Domingo has a rich and full-bodied sound across his entire vocal range. To achieve this, try exercises like Voice Break and Mixed Voice that help you transition smoothly between chest voice and head voice.
  3. Articulation: Plácido Domingo's clear and crisp diction is a result of his attention to articulation. To improve, try exercises like Finger Bite that help you enunciate properly and Articulation exercises that train your mouth muscles.
  4. Emotion-Control: Plácido Domingo is famous for his ability to convey deep emotions through his performances. To improve expression and performance, try exercises like Relaxing Breath to control anxiety and stage fright.

Recommended Songs:

  1. Granada: This song showcases Domingo's powerful and emotive delivery.
  2. Nessun Dorma: This aria from Puccini's opera Turandot is one of Domingo's most famous performances and showcases his vocal range and emotional depth.
  3. La Flor de la Canela: Domingo's performance of this traditional Peruvian song highlights his ability to communicate the beauty and soul of folk music.
  4. Dein ist mein ganzes Herz: This song from Franz Lehár's operetta Das Land des Lächelns highlights Domingo's romantic and dramatic style.

To learn more about singing with Plácido Domingo's vocal technique, check Singing Carrots' search engine. You can discover songs that match your vocal range using the vocal range test and explore the vocal ranges of other famous singers using the artists section of the site. If you want more guidance on improving your singing skills, check out the educational singing course offered by Singing Carrots.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.